…our current space and time is about storytelling in two forms

1. As Transformation Helpers by enabling a group of minds bring out their best combined wisdom and,

2. As a Voice Over Artist by walking the listener to a story of person, product or organization

Transformation Helper

We support a group of people at collaborative events to ideate and think beyond the regular, by:

1. Santosh is a Graphic Recorder / Facilitator of conversations – real time drawing and linking of thoughts and ideas generated by a group of people resulting in an evolving art form (scribe) that helps generate insights and a visual reference

2. Ajay is a Visual Conceptualizer of information and spaces – making complex information simple to understand by creating concepts for the artwork; designing & creating of spaces to capture visual journeys of the event

Voice Actor

Santosh is a voice over artist for e-courses, corporate communications, films and advertisements. This helps him story tell by becoming a narrator, a character, a facilitator of information flow.


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I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Some of the Brands we work with