Graphic Recording strives to capture group wisdom in the most neutral of ways – without bias, without influences of self or hierarchy in the space. Having said that, participants’ involvement in the whole process of graphic recording adds the “X factor glue”, that binds them closer to the emerging visual storyboard. Be it a “popular” one liner of the group or a noticeable idiosyncrasy of a participant. Brainstorming and ideation events are fertile ground to give rise to this element.
When such an opportunity or request makes an appearance, as a graphic recorder, I strive to find ways to seamlessly incorporate the element into the recording. The joy is to slip it into the visual to still make sense to the storyline… it can’t be a “sore appendix” hanging aimlessly with no purpose.
As a graphic recorder, I love making my work as participant friendly as possible. I would hate making it a museum piece that one can’t touch. I find it fulfilling when participants interact, play, touch, feel their thoughts that I represent on paper.
Thus Graphic recording becomes a collective work and a work of the collective!!